Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mission Minded Children

"You (and your child) are specifically designed by God, who has an individualized "mission" for your life. There is absolutely no one else just like you; and non one else can fulfill the unique God-given mission He has planned just for you. As followers of Jesus Christ we are all called- every one of us- to the mission of Expanding God's kingdom"
Ann Dunagan (The Mission Minded Child)

Who? You and your child
What? Sharing the love of Jesus as we live each day
When? Now
Where? Right where you are
How? By praying and asking God to direct you and your children to begin seeking mission opportunities in your daily life.

Ways to get your children involved in missions without leaving Shelby County

  • Pray for Go to open your eyes and hearts to the ministry opportunities in your daily life. Pray your family will see a hurting world that needs to know Jesus.
  • Find ways to "serve" family members. This is often the toughest mission field you will ever have.
  • Sign you for mission opportunities your church offers during the year.
  • Get "linked in" with a missionary via email, Facebook or their blog. Mail them a "care package" from your family.  If you need one, follow Elaine Savell's journey on "
  • "Adopt" a local ministry for the summer of school year. Learn about the ministry and find out how you can get involved.
  • Reach out to a neighbor. Bake cookies with your child and share them with a neighbor. Let your child write a not to them and help your child include encouraging Scripture.
  • Use birthdays as a teaching tool. Give your child money for a birthday gift that must be used to purchase specific items on the needs list of a local ministry. Take your child with you to select, purchase and deliver the purchased items. As your child gets older, allow them to choose the ministry they want to be involved with.
  • Clean our the playroom, bedroom and closet with your child. Sort through and deliver used clothing, books and toys to a local ministry that needs these items. Take them wit you to deliver the items. (Neighborhood Christian Center will take your child through a tour of the store where items are given away to needy families.)
  • Take your children to hear missionaries speak at church. Start at a young age, let them see you actively seeking out opportunities to listen to missionaries.
  • Let your children do extra jobs at home to earn money for missions.
  • Help a mom who needs a break. Let your child help you by helping prepare a meal for them or by helping watch her young children. Write an encouraging Bible verse on a note to go with the meal. 
  • Write than you notes to the missionaries in your own child's live- teachers, friends, Sunday School teachers, etc.
  • Find a glove and look at different countries. Try and find Germantown on the globe.Use this as a teaching opportunity to show them how small Germantown is when you look at the entire world.
  • Get to know your neighbors. Use the holidays to share the Gospel with the children in your neighborhood. Have a Christmas, Valentines, or Easter party for your neighbors. 

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