Thursday, February 13, 2014

Romancing the Home

This week's MOPS meeting focused on all things LOVE related in honor of Valentine's Day. This holiday can often stir up sweet-or-sour emotions based on your current "love" circumstances. If we choose to reflect on the Creator of Love himself, God, we can be sure to avoid any feelings of loneliness or sadness. We are loved beyond measure by the one who made us. He deserves our best praise and adoration on this day, and always!

Diane Daniel shared a thought-provoking message on creating romance in the home. As moms of young children, romance can often take a cozy seat on the back burner but Diane encouraged us to keep it alive and offered some great suggestions on creating a loving atmosphere, positive attitude, and some fresh new ideas for time alone with your valentine. I don't know about you but my kids are always cuter after I've had some quality time away with my husband.

Here are some insightful questions to ask yourself as you reflect on this topic.
1. Romance is so much more than sex. Who do you think is the most romantic in your marriage? What can you do to create an atmosphere for romance?
2. What is the biggest hindrance to romance in your marriage?
3. What are some creative ways to make more time for each other?
4. Name some simple dates you and your spouse could take.
5. What are some economical ways to have a splurge date or getaway? What's your favorite date or getaway you and your spouse have taken besides your honeymoon?

Recommended Book List:
1. Wisdom for Mothers - Denise Glenn (Week 4 & 5)
2. Sheet Music - Kevin Leman
3. Intimate Issues - Linda Dillow & Lorraine Pintus
4. Simply Romantic Nights - Dennis Rainey
5. Creative Counterpart - Linda Dillow
6. His Needs Her Needs - Willard R. Harley, Jr.
7. The Excellent Wife - Martha Peace
8. Romancing the Home - Dr. Ed Young
9. Covenant Marriage - Dr. Fred Lowery
10. Love Life for Every Married Couple - Dr. Ed Wheat, M.D.
11. Love for a Lifetime - Dr. James Dobson
12. Intended for Pleasure - Dr. Ed Wheat, M.D. & Gaye Wheat
13. Every Woman's Battle - Shannon Ethridge
14. Power of a Praying Wife - Stormie Omartian
15. Love & Respect - Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Take the 30 Day Marriage Challenge (click here) and commit to doing a little bit, each day, for a better marriage. Every day of the month, find the corresponding number and follow the tip. So, if you begin the challenge on February 15; start with tip 15 and move on from there. You can repeat the list every month!

Happy Valentine's Day!! xoxo

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